Be You

Be You


We are lucky to be a part of this highly connected and volatile global society, where we are constantly challenged to be aware and become better versions of ourselves every day.

We live in times of rapid change, with ideas becoming redundant in the blink of an eye. Information gets transmitted in mere seconds across continents, such as the recent video I saw about how non-vegetarian diet (in US) is creating a huge gap of food distribution or poverty in India, or how Kylie Jenner’s makeover is bombarding our Instagram;). We are lucky to be a part of this highly connected and volatile global society, where we are constantly challenged to be aware and become better versions of ourselves every day. In fact we all have a place to make something of ourselves, to make contributions to causes we believe in.

But I would be lying, if I say I don’t feel overwhelmed or lost at times. We’ve become dependent on the word “Trend” to validate ourselves. We have lost our own sense of judgement. Our sense of right and wrong is mostly based on the hash tags that trend on social media. Everything we do is slightly if not eniterly inclined towards how much green light we get from other people and it includes our thoughts, the way we behave, the clothes we wear or the food we favor. Our definition of Life is clouded by someone else’s success or failure. According to me life is something that transcends our capacity to comprehend; the best we can do is have our own perspective but at the same time respect everyone else’s.

Life has so much to offer, but only if we choose to see it with our own eyes.

We are all works in progress, sustained by learning, let’s all create the life we want and not the one we’ve been taught to create. 

And last but not the least – I hope we all make it.

PS: This article is pertinent to what I believe is happening to me and people around me, and not subjected towards anyone to abide by it. But I do hope it triggers some part of you and help you to realize something you’ve been trying to figure out. 


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