Be Your Own Hero!

Be Your Own Hero!


A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles.

Many a time, we face situations in life where our physical and mental drives are too down in the dumps. Motivation is at an all-time low and even day-to-day tasks such as making the bed seems intimidating. It is at this time that you need to imitate someone, be your own hero!

Your hero could be you in five years, ten or twenty. You just need something to pursue, something that occupies an intermediate area between the real and fantastical. It has to be both real enough to actually be worthy enough to be pursued (not something imaginary like a big candy house), but also evolve and grow in a way that renders it ultimately unachievable.

If this sounds like it’s kind of imaginary, it’s because it is. Of course, you will never meet yourself in a few years, just like you will never actually see tomorrow. You will never reach the top of this mountain, and that is the point.

Take the construction of a skyscraper for example. Imagine turning to the blueprint before laying every single brick. Surely, the building looks great on paper, and it’s like – making sure it is the right place to place that brick; but the building will take decades to get built at that rate. A builder turns to the blueprint only when he needs to recall the outline, and spends the rest of the day actually building it i.e. implementing it practically.

Call upon your future self only when you absolutely need it. Don’t be impatient; don’t put the picture on a pedestal and make sure your hero is always in sight but just out of reach.

Success is a lot of things- to those who have only dreamed about it, it’s a photograph, a finish line, sherry and glory, fame and applause all around. But it is not so simple. Success is not a moment; it’s better expressed as everything that comes before that moment.

You’re not there yet, but you are closer than you were yesterday. As you grow, so do your goals, and that’s the way. Enjoy your victories while you can, but always keep space for more!