The Importance Of Discipline In Student Life

The Importance Of Discipline In Student Life

Discipline and Students

Yesterday while going through the interview of the AIR 1 of UPSC Civil Service-2019, Mr. Kanish Kartaria and the other fellow rank holders I observed one thing on which they emphasized heavily. And that thing was none other than discipline. Well, what is discipline? Discipline is a string of actions that are regulated in a certain particular way. In daily life, if we observe then we would found that round the way we are either being suggested or recommended to follow a certain protocol, and this protocol is none other than discipline.

Discipline plays a very crucial role in defining a person’s ability and character. And when we include the discipline along with the person’s potential, then there is no such thing a person can’t do. And that is the reason why professional armed forces maintain a high amount of discipline among them.

Similarly when it comes to the students, if we add the ingredient of discipline along with the ability of the student then the results would be fantastic. Not only that, the discipline and the ability are two such synonyms that run together and one without another cannot survive. The success of anything depends upon these two things or if I say then there’s collective ability. For example, if an intelligent person with some very good ability doesn’t practice the discipline, then it is a mere waste of his talent and intelligence. Because his non-usage of his ability or not in a specific manner is just a mere waste of the unique ability with which he is born. And now if we see the second phase then would found that an average person, who is practising discipline, would have a fantastic result. Because due to both of them, he/she would be able to use his abilities and rectify it to produce the desired results.

Another thing that comes to mind is that when we talk about discipline, it is always related to either the studies or our sleeping cycle. But what we need to understand is that discipline is far much more than that. Discipline plays a role in almost everything, starting from your studies, to your co-curricular to your biological cycle and many more. And if we see in then would found that this discipline plays a greater role in total in our day to day life. Because since every task which we do in our day-to-day life is interconnected, it not only helps us in studies but also in other tasks like maintaining a healthy mind, healthy body and a positive approach. Discipline, in short, provides us with many things like:

  • Maintaining a strict discipline in our studies gives us an upper hand against our peers and competitors. Many would say that maintaining discipline in studies means studying a lot. But the fact is that if we study for a certain amount of time, which is, in turn, will be because of our schedule as maintained by our discipline will give much more output then mugging for much more several hours.
  • The second major thing is regarding the curriculum. Like our university maintains a curriculum of 9 to 5 for the students. In this curriculum, we are taught with our various subjects. Now, most of the students get frustrated and tired with this hectic schedule, but if we see from another perspective then we would found out that, that due to this curriculum only we can allot an equal amount of time to each subject in a week. The same way if making a curriculum is not hard, but sticking to it requires discipline. And if we inherit that idea to our daily schedule, then one would found that, that at the end of the weekend you have ample time to hang out, ample time watch movies and much required time to rest.
  • Maintaining a discipline also does a greater thing, which we don’t focus on. As we grew, our workload increases too. This creates tension, anxiety and others and in short, leads to drift in mind to body relationship. If we maintain a strict discipline then we would found that our mind-to-body relationship is maintained at optimum and so is our health.