Don’t Let Social Media Responses Define You


#BrothersWedding, #Selfie, #Ethnic, and hundreds of other hashtags on a picture! Our generation is just too obsessed with posting their most happening pictures on social media and then checking the likes on their pictures. Every few secnds!!

Not many may admit this, deep inside a lot of us feel, “I wish I could have got more likes.” By doing this, you are letting the world control you, your emotions and the person you are. Getting just fifty some likes on your pictures doesn’t make you less pretty or less handsome. You are beautiful the way you are. If you want to change yourself and if that change is for good, then go for it – but because you want to, and not because you feel lacking or inferior.

My cousin is too much into posting pictures on Instagram, and she keeps on checking the likes and comments every hour – she’s just fourteen. When I was fourteen I was probably trying to figure out how to eat with a fork and knife (chuckling). People today are spending most of their time on social media, doing nothing. They have to stay online just so that they can reply to the comments on their pictures instantly (to maintain a status, maybe). The monotony and boredom arising from such inactivity leads people to accept friend requests from unknown people and making “online friends” who, more often than not, are a menace.

Remember, the number of likes and comments do not define the person you are.

You are beautiful. You are important.