Duration and Intensity


There are times when you don’t want to be part of anything, when all you can think of are ways to relieve yourself from this so called life and all the duties you are expected to fulfil, and when all you don’t want is to breathe any longer.

These are the weakest moments of your life and their duration and intensity decides everything. If such weakness is sporadic and of fluctuating intensity, it is moments of bitter unhappiness. Such moments lose their grip on us easily and may actually be useful in that they help us to fully appreciate happiness when we receive it.

Prolonged weakness of fluctuating intensity, that affects our daily life, is generally termed depression. There are therapists and drugs that help one deal with it. Left untreated, such sadness can be life threatening.

Such weakness of increased intensity can cause a very high level of anxiety, gathering its fuel from regrets and peer pressure. Shorten the duration further and maintain this intensity and it may result in a stroke.

Cut the duration to a moment and turn up the intensity to the maximum and you have the weakest moment of your life. The moment when you look into the eyes of what you fear the most.