Late teenage is the most important phase of learning for an individual. From the time of being a dependent on your parents for all the decisions you make and for all the stuff you need, a time comes when a teenager realizes his/her individualism and eventually tends to have a perspective of their own on every issue they face in their day to day life.

The time between the ages of 18-19 years brings a phase of transformation in a teen’s life. Coming out of school and entering a college turns out to be a phase of unfolding the totally new and mysterious life experiences. And then if you decide to come to LPU, you learn a lot more than you would have thought of.

Being a part of such a big university and coping up with the situations you face every day over here is quite a victory in itself. The diversities that you find here are quite remarkable and when you realize that you are also a part of it, then it gives rise to a feeling of awesomeness. You find a whole lot of new people belonging to different cultural backgrounds which provides a perfect platform to grow as an individual and learn a lot of things about life with simple day to day experiences. The opportunities to learn here are immense but here is where a problem arises.

When you see such a healthy environment you tend to put your guard down, you tend to loosen up a bit but that is when you make a big mistake. In order to mingle up with people, you trust them easily, and that is when you start to ignore taking care of yourself. You tend to lose control of yourself and start going with the flow. Going with the flow is good sometimes but you must be aware of where that flow is going to take you eventually. Because at the end of the day it’s always going to be your decisions that will take you up to making or breaking your life.

So, learn good things about life in this refreshing environment but at the same time never forget who you are and what you are here for. Because at the end of the day it’s your simple decisions that will ultimately decide your fate.

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I am a first year student of Journalism and Mass Communication. My keen interest lies in writing and photography. My ultimate dream is to travel the whole world. "Nothing that was real ever died; only names, forms and illusions."