If Only

If Only


If you don’t make a choice, life will make it for you and then it will be known as Fate. Ironic, right? Even your fate is decided by you.

We could be different, If only we took different paths, if only we were in different circumstances, if only we had met different people, if only we had skipped a bus, if only we had slept for 5 more minutes, if only at that one time we had stepped up.

Things would have turned out to be entirely different if only we did what we did, differently.

This is a harsh fact and a universal truth that we are responsible for what we have, it is human tendency to blame society, time, and everything else but we neglect the fact that it’s us in the end and our choices that we live with.

No matter how much you hate to admit it, but this is the ultimate truth. And its reflection is our life. Our choices define us but this doesn’t mean that we should not take risks, because not going against the flow is also a choice. Agreeing to someone else’s opinion is also a choice. In simple words, if you don’t make a choice, life will make it for you and then it will be known as Fate. Ironic, right? Even your fate is decided by you.

When we are born, we don’t choose our family, neither do we choose our gender, nor our names, but what we do chose is A LIFE, and that’s a beautiful thing to choose. To live is a gift, be it in any form, as long as you embrace it. We all have been gifted this life, no matter the physical conditions, we all live on this planet for a significant time, to serve a greater purpose, and it is our duty to find the reason for our existence and do justice to the role we have been assigned to play. 

We all are part of a Masterpiece under-construction and every single piece needs to fit in at the right place to make this piece of art, an unforgettable memory.