It’s the Scribble Day

It’s the Scribble Day

It's a Scribble Day

Scribble! Scribble!

College life makes you dribble

Do we remember when was the first time you scribbled? The very moment our parents used to teach A for Apple and B for ball. Reliving these moments will bring tears in your eyes but those filled with utter joy and happiness. Scribble day being the last day brings a moment in each one’s of our lives where we recollect every moment we had experienced

You tend to be curious,

When you are new to college,

You tend to elate,

When you are about to meet your college mate.

Your fairy tale journey will give you goosebumps yet you would feel joy for once. We take joy when we look back and take a leaf out of memories bundled together. To the same we enjoy but for some, we realize it too.

Dedicated to all the students of Lovely Professional University and my batch mates of 2018-2020 of Mittal School of Business.

I present you to relieve the moments one last time. The day was 18th April that brought a thunder along with it ending the University life with it. The day we were actually waiting for no less than a festival.

“Did you mark my attendance? “ was something we used to ask our friends while sprinting to reach the class. Finally, this would come to an end.

From proxies to a teacher being absent we have enjoyed all but one thing that kept everyone worried was 75 % attendance after all. For some this 75 % was too less but for many, it was a sigh of relief.

We have waited for this very long,

Clicking photos and being on song.

Our Imagination would take us to think sky far because we did not want to miss the moment of clicking the photo of our teachers.

T-shirts and Slam books being filled with wishes.

We would stay in touch is what promised post wishes

Nor that will come this very day.

From CC to Uni-Mall we had bunked our classes to meet at Momo’s Villa, Kitchen- Ette or Oven Express for all. With CA’s always hovering around our teachers used to say “Volunteer and Speak after all”.

End terms came all the fun because finally it was done.

Farewell is what we have waited for so long,

COVID-19 has come and all moments are gone.

There remains one last wish in each one of our hearts. This new beginning would cast its spell and keep the curiosity of each one of us at helm.