LPU HRDC inaugurated GURU-DAKSHTA: Faculty Induction Program

LPU HRDC inaugurated GURU-DAKSHTA: Faculty Induction Program

Guru Dakshta

With the mission to ‘Transform Education’ through academic rigour, practical orientation and outcome-based teaching, Human Resource Development Center, Lovely Professional University inaugurated GURU-DAKSHTA: Faculty Induction Program on May 03, 2021.

The primary objective of the ‘GURU-DAKSHTA: Faculty Induction Program (FIP)’ is to empower and motivate the teachers to invigorate the learning process by embracing innovative pedagogic approaches. State-of-the-art approaches, both for teaching and evaluation, should be adopted in addition to imparting immense value to the skill development and understanding of the ever-changing dynamics between the local and the global. The major focus of the current program is centered on empowering the teachers to perform multiple roles of teaching, research, and service in a more effective and meaningful manner.

Guru-Dakshta: Faculty Induction Program (FIP) was inaugurated by Prof. (Dr.) D. Buddhi, Program Director. He addressed the resource panel and participants, highlighting the need for academic fraternity to adapt to the new normal by experimenting with multidisciplinary research, ICT based teaching thus making a positive difference to the higher education ecosystem. He congratulated LPU-HRDC for organizing the Faculty Induction Program and inviting a rich pool of experts across the globe.

Dr. Sunaina Ahuja, Professor & Head- HRDC welcomed the participants and shared the vision of LPU-HRDC w.r.t faculty development through Orientation/Induction Programs, Refresher Courses, Short term Courses and Workshops. She acknowledged Sh. Ashok Mittal, The Chancellor, Lovely Professional University for Patronizing the Faculty Induction Program and supporting it through faculty empowerment strategies of LPU-HRDC. The framework of the Guru-Dakshta: Faculty Induction Program designed as per UGC Guidelines (2019) was explained and the galaxy of subject matter experts on the resource panel were introduced. The training strategy aimed at giving an immersive experience through enriched knowledge, skills and experiential learning was highlighted. The FIP evaluation and certification norms were explained to the participants. Dr. Ahuja appreciated the Program Coordinators Dr. Savita Gupta, Professor and Head-Department of Faculty Development, HRDC and Mr. Puneet Soni, Officer, HRDC for planning and organizing the FIP with a comprehensive and meticulous approach resulting in participation of 53 faculty members from 16 Universities across India.

The major themes to be covered in the program were enumerated as 1. Higher Education and its Ecosystem 2. Curriculum Designing, Outcome Based Learning and Choice based Credit System 3. Teaching, Learning and Assessment 4. Technology for Teaching and assessment of I-generation 5. Personal-Emotional Development and Counselling 6. Research, Professional Development and Academic Leadership 7. Academic Integrity 8. Constitutional Values, Human Rights & Fundamental Duties 9. Environmental Consciousness and Sustainable Development Goals 10. Strategic Planning and Management.

All the participants interacted with eminent academicians of National and International repute. The Resource Panel for Day 1 focuses on Module 1: Higher Education and its Ecosystem wherein Prof. (Dr.) D. Buddhi, Executive Dean, Division of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Lovely Professional University deliberated on Role of a Teacher: A Pillar of Nation Building and Educational Policies.

Dr. Lovi Raj Gupta, Professor and Executive Dean, Faculty of Technology and Sciences, Lovely Professional University focused on Engaging the Millennial Learners, The Next Gen Learning and Paradigm shift from DIY- Do It Yourself to EIY- Experience It Yourself.

Dr. Ramandeep Singh, Associate Professor and Asst. Dean, Division of Research and Development, Lovely Professional University concluded the day with Funding Schemes for Research and Development. He elaborated on the protocols of preparing research project proposal and explained the points of caution for successful research grants.

The sessions were conducted in a participative environment giving opportunities for open discussion, brainstorming and hands-on learning. The participants were appreciative of the gesture shown by the Lovely Professional University offering a comprehensive curriculum, learner-centered pedagogy and a diverse set of subject matter experts from across the globe.