LPU NSS organizes Blood Donation Camp in association with Samarpan.
“Samarpan…….a lifeline” is one of the biggest student-run initiatives in the field of blood donation. It has been organized numerous times in Lovely Professional University by LPU NSS. Certified medical staff comes to draw blood out of volunteers with sterile equipment. It also has its own app – Samarpan…’A Lifeline’. It acts as a link between people willing to donate blood and people who need blood. The application aims to ensure that every patient in Punjab who needs blood, get SAFE, and FREE blood.

It is available on Google Play Store: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=sos.samanpan_project
You can make a difference to someone’s life by donating blood.
Date: 22nd – 23rd February 2018
Time: 09:30 am onwards
Venue: Block 28 & 56, Lovely Professional University – LPU
Some facts about blood donation:
- Only 50% of the blood needs of the Punjab state are met through voluntary donation organized by different colleges and Universities.
- Annual Estimate of Punjab’s requirement is 2.5 lakh units of blood out of which only 1.25 lakh units are available.
- A single car accident victim can require as many as 100 units of blood.
- There is no substitute for human blood.
- The blood type most often requested by hospitals is Type O.