My Journey from Instant Noodles to Oats


I know everybody loves to eats noodles, especially “Maggi”. I remember how whenever I cooked Maggi for myself back home, I would share it with my grandmother and that little thing would bring a big smile on her beautiful face. Even today, a bowl of Maggi is guaranteed to brighten her mood. Yes, my true Maggi story is a good one, but, I’ve always known Maggi isn’t really good for me, and I’ve finally gotten the better of my Maggi cravings.

We college students prefer Maggi as a midnight snack during exams, which becomes a daily routine and  soon a night without it feels incomplete. I remember once I soaked Maggi in water and fell asleep without preparing it. I woke up the next morning and decided to eat the Maggi for breakfast anyway. But, when I looked at the container I couldn’t see any water in it, instead it was overflowing with big, thick strands of noodles. It looked like the spaghetti from “Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs”!

I realized that’s the reason we feel fat after eating Maggi, because it absorbs water from everywhere inside our stomach. These noodles don’t breakdown after hours of digestion may put a strain on our digestive systems. Also, people who consume more noodles are at a significantly greater risk of metabolic syndrome as compared to the ones who eat fewer noodles.

After getting this little knowledge from the internet I shifted my focus to oats. They fill me up in a non-bloating way that leaves me feeling more active.I understand that Maggi comes in form of “atta noodles” also, but I personally don’t believe in sugar-coated words.

If you change your preference you’ll find oats in different flavors which are tastier than Maggi and are definitely healthier.

Next time I make Maggi, it will be to make my granny smile, ONLY. Personally, I’m a committed oats man now.

Give them a try in the New Year. Wishing you healthy snacking in 2017!


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