India’s Union Education Minister Mr Dharmendra Pradhan released the ‘National Institutional Ranking Framework NIRF Rankings 2022’, today, in New Delhi; where Lovely Professional University is declared 47th among all government & private universities in India. It had jumped 15 positions from last year’s ranking which is one the highest improvement in ranking made by any institution in India.
LPU’s School of Architecture is ranked among the top 12; Law among the top 13 Pharmacy among the top 19; Management in the top 34; and Engineering in the top 51 institutions in India. This NIRF score is a reflection of where the institution is standing vis-a-vis other institutions in a similar category.

This year NIRF Rankings 2022 are for eleven different categories such as Overall; University; Management; College; Pharmacy; Medical; Engineering; Architecture; Law; Research Institutions; and, Dental.

The participating universities are selected based on the quality of work in: “Teaching, Learning and Resources (TLR); Research and Professional Practice (RP); Graduation Outcomes (GO); Outreach and Inclusivity (OI); and, Peer Perception (PR). As such, NIRF India rankings 2022 are based on India-centric parameters.

Congratulating all at the different helm of affairs at the university; LPU Chancellor Dr Ashok Kumar Mittal shares: “Such a prestigious ranking is just like an annual report card for all to look at what LPU has been laboriously doing and accomplishing during the entire last year, juxtaposed to the thousands of other institutions of the country. This ranking has inspired us all at LPU to keep on going for more strong leaps towards getting LPU included among top 200 universities of the world within the next few years.”

Dr Mittal also added that this achievement is due to the trust that parents and society as a whole have in our doings in diverse fields of education. As a whole, this top scaling ranking for LPU is towards more consolidation, improvement and expansion in comparison to previous years.
Notably, commenced in 2016, the number of institutions taking part in the NIRF rankings has increased. The ranking announcement is made based on scores assigned by the governmental authority for each of the categories. The Ministry holds that most of the data, particularly about the research, is taken from a third party and authentic sources like Scopus or Web of Science.