· Occasion was ‘Book Distribution Ceremony’ at LPU where 10,000 copies of the book solely dedicated to the youth of new India were distributed to LPU students
· 200-page book contains 25 “Mantras” as suggested by PM Narendra Modi in unique style to override exam-fear
· Top Tips from Modi’s Book for students preparing for exams are compiled from his various radio talks ‘Mann Kee Baat’
· “Be a warrior, not a worrier: work hard but don’t take stress”: PM Modi’s advice to students preparing for exams
· “Exams are like festivals, celebrate them”: PM Modi
Lovely Professional University organized ‘Book Distribution Ceremony’ today at Shanti Devi Mittal Auditorium of the university, where Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s youth oriented inspiring book ‘Exam Warriors’ was distributed to exam preparing LPU students. A total of 10,000 copies of the book were distributed, which is dedicated to the youth of new India. This 200-page book contains 25 “Mantras”, as suggested by PM Modi, in unique style to override exam-fear. Top tips from Modi’s Book for students preparing for exams are compiled from PM Modi’s various radio talks ‘Mann Ki Baat’. In the pages, PM Modi’s key-liner advice to students, especially preparing for exams, is: “Be a warrior, not a worrier: work hard but don’t take stress”, and he also shares: “Exams are like festivals, celebrate them”. The distribution event was rightly scheduled by the university as the present are the months when students appear for exams for bright career ahead.

Education sector being particularly close to PM Modi’s heart, he shares in the preface of the book: “Interacting with the youth is something I have always enjoyed. This book is for all students who appear for examinations, and drives home the important point that when it comes to examinations, there is no need to worry excessively. It seeks to the debate and discourse around the stress-free examinations and the need to pursue knowledge over marks.” He also adds: “Being a firm believer in the power of technology, I have integrated this book with the ‘Narendra Modi Mobile App’. Exam warriors can share their exam journeys with others and discover how others embarked on theirs through this app.”
Written in an interactive style with illustrations, activities and yoga exercises, the book is friend to students not only in acing exams but also in facing life. Published by world renowned publishers ‘Penguin Books’, the book is practical and thought provoking, and is a handy guide for students in India and across the world.

Some of the other tips included in the book for students from PM Modi are: Answer sheet is one – way ticket, move ahead; your exam, your methods-choose your own style; to do your best take adequate rest; you are your only competition; work to become better version of yourself; exams just judge you on your current preparation they can’t judge your complete caliber; aspire not to be, but to do; to cheat is to be cheap; yoga brings transformation-practise regularly; and, many other.