Royal University of Bhutan (RUB) Vice-Chancellor Visits LPU


This VC visit is indicative of a possible collaboration between LPU and RUB in the near future.

Vice-Chancellor of Royal University of Bhutan, Mr. Dasho Nidup Dorji visited Lovely Professional University today.  LPU Chancellor Mr. Ashok Mittal and Director of International affairs Mr. Aman Mittal greeted Mr. Dorji on his maiden visit to the campus. This visit is momentous as His Majesty Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck, the King of Bhutan, is the RUB Chancellor also. The visiting VC was taken to different departments of LPU where he interacted with the 400 odd Bhutanese students studying at LPU under different programs.

VC Dorji was happy to note that Bhutanese students at LPU embraced all the opportunities offered here. They took part in everything ranging from community service to national and international level extracurricular activities.

This VC visit is indicative of a possible collaboration between LPU and RUB in the near future. For collaboration various detailed programs will be chalked out to strengthen the higher education system in Bhutan and a mutual relationship between the two universities. The collaborative programs are to include mutual faculty exchange and training of faculty members of various top colleges in Bhutan. This alliance will also be in the areas of student exchange and internship programs for students and faculty. In fact, RUB also maintains associations with other universities of the world including University of New Brunswick in Canada; Naropa University & School for International Training in the US; and University of Salzburg in Austria. LPU also has similar tie-ups with many foreign universities.

Complementing LPU on its global approach in academics and infrastructure, VC Dorji shared the working of RUB and his ideas of improvement. RUB is the national university system to manage tertiary education in Bhutan; however, he also shared his concern about unemployment as one of the key challenges in education in Bhutan. He said that colleges under RUB are scattered all over Bhutan for a purpose of fostering regional and balanced economic development. LPU Chancellor Mr. Mittal assured VC Dorji to lend RUB every support needed for the dissemination of result oriented quality education.