Shankaracharya Ji Enlightened LPU Students with His wisdom

Shankaracharya Ji Enlightened LPU Students with His wisdom

Shankaracharya enlightened LPU Students
Shankaracharya Ji adressing the students

The students and staff of Lovely Professional University were in for a memorable experience when the present Shankaracharya of Poorvamnaya- Shri Govardhan Peetham, Swami Nischalananda Saraswati Jee Maharaj graced the campus with his presence. He invoked a sense of National Integration and Development of India among all present. He not only explained the deeper meanings of the ancient scriptures like Vedas but also encouraged people to pursue value-based education as it helps in uncovering the inner souls of individuals. Swami Ji has written more than 150 books, particularly on mathematics, and has developed many formulae. Swami Jee has addressed the great scientists, doctors, researchers, advocates, professors at DRDO, ISRO IIMs, High Courts on important aspects of Life.

Shankaracharya enlightened LPU Students

Honourable Chancellor of Lovely Professional University Mr. Ashok Mittal and Worthy Pro-Chancellor Mrs. Rashmi Mittal gave a warm and dignified welcome to one of the most notable saints of India. Shankaracharya Ji interacted with the Vertos and gave them an insight of the legendary mythological scriptures like Vedas, Ramcharitmanas, Shrimad-Bhagawat Gita and said that the true purpose of education is as same as the purpose of Universe, i.e. to incite self-less workmanship. Educated ones are those who make others happy with their actions and do not have an ego or vested interest in their actions. They should obey the golden rule of life which says that the behavior we have with others is the behavior others will have with us. There is a strong need to make people understand that the real meaning of ‘dharma’ is ‘karma’, that is, the utility of a person to the society. A person should fulfill the responsibility for which he has taken birth.

Shankaracharya enlightened LPU Students

Shankaracharya Ji said that the feeling of nation-building is missing from the present day education system as it is more focused on money generation than spreading enlightenment and benefit of mankind. He strongly recommends that educated ones should own the responsibility of shaping mammoth India. He also advised the students to always uphold the values of their respective culture, tradition, language, and creed. Speaking about what success is, he said that achievement of happiness and peace in doing certain things is the real success and it should be for others to share as well.

His presence not only changed the aura in Shanti Devi Mittal Auditorium but also led to a divine atmosphere which could be felt by the audience. The words of the great saint are sure to leave a deep imprint in the minds of everyone present.