Short Term Course on Clean Water Hydraulic Modeler: EPANET

Short Term Course on Clean Water Hydraulic Modeler: EPANET


Short Term Course on Clean Water Hydraulic Modeler: EPANET was organized in phygital mode by School of Civil Engineering and Human Resource Development Center. It started with E-Lamp Lighting Ceremony followed by welcome address of Dr. Sunaina Ahuja, Professor and Dean, HRDC. In her address, she stressed the significance of use of software in fields like water distribution and laid emphasis on hands-on learning and application of learning through action learning projects.

Dr. Ankur Bahl, Professor and Associate Dean gave his insights on software-based learning in different Engineering streams. Dr. Mrunmayee Manjari Sahoo, Assistant Professor, LPU was invited as the subject matter expert. Dr. Janaki Swain, Assistant Professor, LPU and Mr. Ajay Kumar Sharma, Assistant Professor, LPU  were the program coordinators.

The Short Term Course focused on enhancing the skills of participants in Creating networks, simulations to visualize demand and supply of water, evaluating the qualitative/quantitative uncertainty, understanding limitations of spatial as well as attribute data and analyzing water supply’s sustainability from network operation perspective.

The Participants went through hands on training on water supply network and Hydraulics, Data integration and analytical interpretation of output, Import of GIS Map into EPANET for network design, creating Demand Driven and Pressure Driven Models Qatium: An Advanced Water Management Platform – Open and Collaborative Water Utility Management.

As an action learning project, the participants designed water distribution systems for hostels in LPU using EPANET.