March 14 is observed worldwide as Pi Day and the birth day of Albert Einstein. But this 14th March left us with a tragic loss. The visionary Stephen Hawking passed away yesterday. He travelled in peace into another metaphysical dimension.
Professor suffered from a rare motor neuron disease, from the age of 22. Doctors that time, predicted 2 years of lifetime at most. But beating all the odds, he rashed through life for another 54 years. Prof revolutionized the Scientific Industry like never before.
He passed away, the same day Albert Einstein was born. Interestingly, they both lived a life of 76 years. Losing such a bright mind is a great loss to the community. Age was just a number for Hawking. Just like an old elephant, growing mature as life proceeds.
Neil deGrasse Tyson (@neiltyson) tweeted:
“His passing has left an intellectual vacuum in his wake. But it’s not empty. Think of it as a kind of vacuum energy permeating the fabric of spacetime that defies measure. Stephen Hawking, RIP 1942-2018”
Hawking curated 13 remarkable books for varying age groups. A Brief History Of Time has been a bestseller, selling 12 million copies, worldwide!
The man of great humour, Hawking became a popular ambassador for science and was always careful to ensure that the general public had ready access to his work. Full name: Stephen William Hawking, was born in Oxford on 8 January 1942. His father, a research biologist, had moved with his mother from London to escape German bombing. He grew up in London, after gaining a first-class degree in physics from Oxford, went on to Cambridge for postgraduate research in cosmology.

In his teenage years he enjoyed horse-riding and loved rowing. but while at Cambridge he was diagnosed with a strange form of motor neurone disease called Aamyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, which was to leave him almost completely paralysed. Docs predicted him with two more years to live. But, he came out like a Godhead! His metaphysical immortality will be reflected throughout the mankind.

He was known for developing complex theoretical and cosmological theories. All up in his cranium. You see that’s the only part which worked like magic. He defined various fundamental laws which redefined how we know Black Holes now. Whether it was for predicting the Extra-terrestrials or The Hawking Radiation and Penrose Formula, the man was genius in each sphere. China has loads of admirers and an immense fanbase for Professor.
Stephen always believed in asking questions. No matter, how stupid or complex they were. He challenged the church and whole of the religious communities by denying the Almighty’s existence. You see, it requires a lot of hard guts to drop such statements with confidence referencing physics in the life.

I think his departure from here to some other multiverse must not be considered a loss. He probed all of the universe sitting on a rimmed wheelchair. Physics is immortal, so are you Mr. Hawking! #Respect
He belonged to the stars, I am happy he’s home!
― Yash Pathak