Tags Motivation

Tag: Motivation

the pratfall effect

What is the Pratfall Effect?

Jennifer Lawrence, the name isn’t something that you might have heard for the first time. For those who can’t recollect this gorgeous actress’s face,...
Relationships are not the only definition of love

Relationships Are Not the Only Definition of Love

Love is not just found in the arms of your loved ones, in the person who wants to share their lives with you, for someone...
An Open Letter to a soon to be college graduate

An Open Letter to a Soon to be College Graduate

Dear soon to be college graduate, For you, life may seem passing you by every minute. Graduation is just around the corner and the real...

Your Thoughts Matter (Literally)

Well, let me start off by saying that I’m a huge fan of Dan Brown and the way he writes. You might have heard...
Average and Proud

Average and Proud

I was travelling in this bus a few days back and I had this chance to listen in on a conversation between a mother...
Fixed and growth mindset

The Must Pack Item in Your Bag This Semester

Let’s begin with a quote by the brilliant scientist, Albert Einstein. "Genius is 1% talent and 99% hard work." So what’s it that makes some people...
New Semester – New Beginnings

New Semester – New Beginnings

We all are going to start our new semester in some time and this coming semester is providing us with an opportunity to start...
The Secret to Get Lucky

The Secret to Get Lucky

Among the many things we wished for when the clock struck 2018 was luck- lots of luck and the best of lucks. We do...
Perks of being ‘busy’ on campus

Perks of Being ‘Busy’ on the Campus

I like to stay busy. I am a workaholic, and I like to be creative. - Glenn Danzig Personally, I am one of those who...
What Not to do After a Tiresome Exam

What Not to do After a Tiresome Exam

Let’s face it, exams are stressful. They take a semester’s worth of knowledge and cram it all into a two or three hours session....