LPU Verto received the Indian Achievers Award

LPU Verto received the Indian Achievers Award


Some individuals within the society are not discouraged by obstacles such as adverse conditions, a lack of resources, or previous failures. These folks have strong wills and dedicate themselves completely to their work. Despite the many challenges they have faced, these champions have been able to hone their lives and become authorities in their respective fields of interest. The Indian Achievers Award is a well-known and distinguished award given to those who have achieved enormous success in their respective industries and are capable of pushing the boundaries.

Pankaj G, a student of B. Tech. ECE and CEO of Renovation Tech Robotics and Aeromodelling, was given the Indian Achievers Award for his outstanding professional achievement and contribution towards nation building! Lovely Professional University (LPU) is supportive of its students’ ambitions because it has faith in their Vertos and provides them with the resources they require.

Pankaj G is a dedicated Robotics engineer with a desire to learn new things. He is a brilliant problem solver with tremendous energy and a creative attitude toward innovation. Pankaj is a National Level winner at India Skills 2022 competition. Earlier, he has received the Gold Award in Student Category for presenting a case study at MILCA AWARDS 2022! He claims that his advisors in the Student Research and Project Cell and the Student Welfare Wing have provided him with consistent assistance throughout. All of the Vertos who are out there pursuing their passions can look up to him as a source of motivation and encouragement.

The Indian Achievers Forum is the country’s premier organisation for recognising and honouring outstanding accomplishments from all corners of the country. We at LPU want to see our Vertos excelling in their respective fields so that they could win this prestigious award. Heartfelt congratulations to our Verto and our best wishes to him for his future endeavours.