‘The Death Squad’ – A Novel by LPU Student Omisha Pradhan

‘The Death Squad’ – A Novel by LPU Student Omisha Pradhan

'The Death Squad' - A Novel by LPU Student Omisha Pradhan

Almost every millennial in the world has, if not read or watched, at least heard of ‘Harry Potter’. ‘Harry Potter’ is a very famous fantasy novel series written by JK Rowling. One of the students who got inspired by reading this epic series wrote her very own first fiction novel, ‘The Death Squad’. And she is none other than Omisha Pradhan, a student of LPU pursuing MA in English Literature.

While there might be many who dream of becoming a writer and writing their own book. But opportunities only come to those who go and fetch them. As easy it might sound, writing a novel needs lots of dedication, hard work and consistency.

'The Death Squad' - A Novel by LPU Student Omisha Pradhan

We’re proud of you Omisha!