No hard feelings for other languages, but the fact is that English has now become the most important global language in terms of placements. During its peak, the British empire covered almost 25% of the total land area on Earth, which resulted in the deep penetration of English across countries. Later, World War II set in, and English became more valued than ever for cross-country communication.
Altogether, these two events paved the way for English to be as prevalent as it is now.
You must have heard about the term “Globalization.” It refers to the world getting easily accessible: through the internet or increased trade and cultural exchange. Currently, professionals and organizations in a particular country aren’t limiting themselves to their respective national boundaries only. In contrast, they are opting for international exposure for numerous reasons, making globalization swifter.
For that, one needs a common medium of communication. That’s where an already popular language, namely English, kicks in, exponentially increasing its importance more than what it was used to be.
Well, that’s enough of singing why English is an important language. But what role does it play in placements, be it either in Tech or Non-tech?
Let’s find out.

The Case of MNCs
MNCs, standing for Multinational Corporations, is self-explanatory why English is influential to be an employee there. As MNCs are spread across countries, you as an employee will be required to team up with people from different places, using English as a medium of expression.
Additionally, the documentations in those companies are always in English, another prime reason to have a grip on the language. Leaving documentation behind, in the corporate world, you often need to submit reports and give presentations. Guess which language will come to use? English, of course.

The Case of Startups and Regional Companies
In terms of English, there is a bit of relaxation in startups and regional companies. Although you don’t frequently need to use English to communicate with your fellow employees and customers, the documentation, report submission, and presentation parts still hold the same. In short, you can loosen but not let off the grip of English in startups and regional companies.
It’s now clear that even if you have sound knowledge in your domain, you can’t sustain without English in the corporate world. Organizations are also very clear of the fact and generally look for candidates who are well-versed in English.

Even in the interviews, irrespective of how much you know, there is a hitch. As the talks are always in English, you cannot explain the solutions without possessing a good vocabulary. In the worst case, you need to ask the interviewer if you can continue in your language, which I doubt will anyone do, as it will almost instantaneously downgrade your image in front of the interviewers.
Hence it becomes consequential to have a firm grip on the language; to be precise, somewhere between the beginner to medium level, at least, for cracking an interview. However, the secret is, the better you are in English, the more edge you get over your fellow candidates. Consequently, higher are your chances to get selected.