As Henri Fredric Amiel said “Everything you need for a better future and success has already been written. And guess what? All you have to do is go to the library.” The Lovely Professional University also has a tremendous collection of more than 43 lakh books and e-books covering all the subject fields. As known for its massive infrastructure, the LPU’s library has 11 branches on the campus having the largest one in the 37th block.

The spacious floors in the library accommodate thousands of students to sit and study in a disturbance-free environment. Students who would like to discuss certain topics with their friends can utilize the opportunity of discussion rooms present in the library. This centralized library has procured 3000 exceptional books including manuscripts of Sanskrit, Apbransh and Pali languages. It also holds a great collection of Punjabi literature. LPU’s library is known to purchase new and special books every single year. Students from various streams can access e-resources like IEEE, EBSCO, ASME, JSTOR, J-GATE, DELNET, and Springer in their UMS account by UMS Navigation>Library>E-Resources. Also, one can search a book through OPAC either by UMS Navigation>Library>Library search or LPU Touch>Library search.

The library works daily from morning 8 am to 12 am except on 26th January, 15th August and 2nd October and the working hours get extended up to 2 am during midterm and end-term examinations. A student belonging to BA/MA/B.Sc/M.Sc can loan 3 books for 7 days, whereas an Honors student can loan 5 books for 14 days, Ph.D. scholar can loan up to 6 books for 30 days. Also one must keep in their mind that books’ reissuing is not possible and should wait for at least a day to issue the same book if available.

Once you complete reading books that you have issued from the library, you can return those books by self check-in procedure. All you have to do is place those books on the glass to which the monitor is attached (Max. of three books are allowed at a time) and then press check in; wait for 30 seconds to process and record the books and later press exit.
There are certain rules and regulations which should be followed in the library very strictly otherwise serious action will be taken against a student for violating them.