Those Three Magical Words

Those Three Magical Words

Those Three Magical Words

I don’t wanna continue, this place is crude, full of sharks, cons, fight, hatred… no this isn’t the place meant for me. My life is a mess and I want to quit!

These are some thoughts that have fettered each and every young mind. As the year is passing by, this world is becoming a place full of competitors, everyday provocations, the demand for being exceptional, new and creative.

Being a youth and an inquisitive onlooker, I see that all these expectations, demands, peer-pressure has literally ambushed young minds. Youngsters have forgotten their goals and they are treading on some obscure paths to attain dubious glory. In the world of glitter and gold, they have forgotten the actual happiness and also what living means. They are following the masses and materialistic bliss. One of the prominent misleading reason is ups and downs in their love life. They fail to conjecture the authentic meaning of love and also what actually a relationship comes up with. They get into a relationship considering it under social standards, prioritizing outward appearance and beauty and fail to accomplish the duties and responsibilities.

Under peer pressure, they start the intake of drugs and narcotics thinking all that will make them cool and smart and bore a hole for themselves. After sometime when all these temporary people go, when these materialistic things appear prosaic and they search for the actuality they are left with nothing but disappointment which they can’t take. What follows next is that they start denouncing their life; they want to cut themselves from the world and start getting depressed.

So how they can dodge all this? What can they do to become untroubled and happy always? what is the motto or the mantra to follow?

What I obey and what I believe everyone must follow is these very three magical words that splendidly and efficiently explain the art of living… they are: LIVE LOVE LAUGH

Those Three Magical Words

Live: Yes we are not relishing our life these days…we are just passing it. We need to start living each and every day, each and every moment. We need to understand one thing and that is-

“Make every day count… Even when you think it’s the worst day of your life; for you never know when it’ll be your last.”

Love: Our generation should understand the real meaning of love. We don’t value loving ourselves first. We should first love ourselves, embrace our beauty because if you will love yourself only then you can love others. Love what you do, love your body, love your soul, try to appreciate others, love your work and life. And you need to keep in mind one thing –

Love yourself. Forgive yourself. Be true to yourself. How you treat yourself sets the standard for how others will treat you.”

Laugh: Indeed, the best remedy for all the predicaments. You need to start enjoying life, even if you have several issues going on, different difficulties orbiting around you, nevertheless, you need to pause to recline, think and enjoy. If Laughter cannot solve your problems, it will definitely DISSOLVE your problems; so that you can think clearly what to do about them as nothing lasts forever. Hence, start enjoying your every second and always keep one thing in mind.

-An optimist laughs to forget; a pessimist forgets to laugh.

Keeping these three mantras or magical words you can make your life light and will never curse this world because it is you who can change your life.

“Turn your face toward the sun and the shadows fall behind you.”