Wings of Wisdom


Once Man met God

and pleaded with him,

“Oh Mighty Lord

Please forgive my sin.

Give me wings to fly

away from my plight,

Take me out of worry

With your guiding light.”

Then God replied

“O my dear child,

I gifted humans a pair of wings

With experiences that grow,

But they choose a single wing

As they want perfection to glow.

But there is a true story

about the perfection of two wings,

Their beauty and their glory

That explains thee everything.

For this great journey

of life, we have two things,

For truth and harmony

We have left and right wing.

For the wing of love

That is all above,

There is a wing of anger

To balance you in danger.

For the wing of destiny

There is a wing of fear

And if you are truly wise

Beware of these two my dear.

For the wing of pain

I gave you wing of healing,

And for the wing of letting go

I gave you a wing for keeping .

For the wing of hurt

There is the wing of forgiveness,

For the sadness that is part of life

There is the wing of happiness.

For the wing of pride

That stand spread so wide,

I made a wing of humility

Just to save humanity.

For the wing of tears

To all my loved dears,

I gave a wing of joy

So that you could rejoy.

For the wing of rejection

By those who seek perfection,

I made a wing of acceptance

To uplift mankind with affection.

For the wing of judging

I gave a wing of grace,

And for the wing of honoring

I gave a wing of shame.

Oh my dear child

This story will never end,

Now that i’ve enlightened you, 

There are other things I must tend.

And with that God disappeared

“thank you, Lord! Man whispered,

Now that I know how to fly

By balancing both my wings

I will soar to the sky

And joyfully experience everything.

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Scribbler who hails from the lap of mountains. I'm a freelance writer, designer, speaker, and marketer. I find comfort in the silence of my thoughts and I love to live for my dreams.