LPU’s Division of Student Welfare, just like every time, has brought a fascinating online event with the name “Yoga for You.” The event (or call it a workshop) started on June 15th, 2021, and plans to continue for seven consecutive days. The last day will be on the occasion of the International Day of Yoga, i.e., on June 21st. It aims to introduce to students the shining pathway of Yoga and mental upliftment. Along with physical activity, it targets balance and coordination between mind, body, and environment. Thus was designed the schedule keeping in mind all the significant aspects.
Day 1 focused on Sukshma-Vyayam & Pranayam. It started right at 5:30 PM with the introduction by the gladsome emcee, Mr. Aryan Sachdeva. He gladly welcomed the chief guest of the eve, Madam Rashmi Mittal, the Pro-Chancellor at LPU. He also made everyone acquainted with invited special guests, namely Professor (Dr.) B.C. Chauhan, Dr. Mahesh Dogra, Dr. Shaveta Bhardwaj, Dr. Poonam Singh, and everyone’s beloved Dr. Sorabh Lakhanpal. At 5:35 PM initiated a one-of-its-kind “e-lamp lightening” ceremony.

Then, Dr. Sorabh Lakhanpal, Professor and Head, DSW, extended his regards to all the guests, students, and staff members. “Yoga isn’t only about painful asanas,” Dr. Lakhanpal was quoted saying. He further said that the education system needs to include these types of skills and teachings. “Yoga doesn’t do miracles but gives us strength to cope up with life challenges,” he added. With this, he elucidated the schedule of the seven-day workshop.

Soon, the host requested the chief guest of the eve for her kind words. Madam Rashmi Mittal elaborated on the importance of Yoga Day. She appreciated the DSW for bringing such opportunities to all. She mentioned, “Yoga makes the body healthy. And, it also maintains mental balance and health.” With her kindness, she blessed all the students and gave some tips also. Lastly, she thanked everyone for being a part of this workshop.

At 5:49 PM, it was time for some ‘real’ yoga. Dr. B.C. Chauhan, who is a Physics professor at Central University, Himachal Pradesh, explained the roots of Yoga in ancient India. “Yoga is the practical philosophy and science,” he remarked. “However, the unfortunate part is that it originated in India, but Indians didn’t accept it until now,” he added. He decoded some ancient philosophies and asserted that this philosophy aims to attain the state of “self-realization.” He gave some important tips to the students to live a better life.
The session continued with the practice of some yogic postures and breathing exercises, viz. Padmasana, Bhastrika, Kapalbhati, Ujjayi, Anulom-vilom, Bhramari, etc. At the end of session, expressing happiness, Mr. Aryan Shukla thanked everyone and signed off.