You Hold the Key


Most of us nurture a single dream of becoming something or someone, and we work hard towards the same as we grow up. But there are many among us who aren’t guided by any such objective, in their efforts. They have no clear vision of their future goals, and the biger decisions in their lives are therefore taken as they go along, some dependent on physical factors, some emotional, and most just randomly made. But decisions are taken none the less, and the sole responsible person behind them, is us.

As humans we have the tendency of forming chains and webs for everything that surrounds us or ever happens to us. There is always a ‘why?’ that we have to answer to ourselves. So we come up with a theory, make connections, and join the dots so that we can give meaning to our decisions. Plainly speaking, we have the tendency to hold something or someone else responsible for our actions. But the harsh reality is that we are the only ones responsible for the decisions we make. 

Yes,  other things and people influence our decisions, and many a times they might guide us to the right answers, but eventually we let them do what they do to us. It is rightly said “No one can hurt you without your consent.” But then as Donne so rightly said, “No man is an island..” and we are in fact influenced and affected by our surroundings and environment and the people that populate it. But we have more agency than we feel comfortable giving ourself credit for, we hold the key to our minds. When outside forces come knocking, we have the power to let them in or keep them out.

Stay strong, take ownership of your life and actions.