Your Best Confidant Is You


There is no more perfect communication in the world, communication in which no other personality is allowed to interfere, than communication with the self.  This ‘intrapersonal communication’ can be deeply soothing. There are no worries, no stress, and no responsibilities weighing the interaction down. It frees the aspects of you, buried deep inside, which may never surface otherwise.  

In such communication you can talk your stress out of your system without any worry marring your forehead, the relief is just that profound. Shout out loud to yourself, cry, laugh,  sing, act, do whatever lightens your heart, enjoy your own company, seek your own counsel. You will find it clears your thinking and makes your decisions more confident.

Only you can bring all that you are, out of yourself. And in that self actualization is power. Power that can revv your engines and keep you going. So go ahead, talk to yourself, spend time with you, do it proudly, and often, for “Communication is like riding a bicycle or typing. If you’re willing to work at it, you can rapidly improve the quality of every part of your life.”, said Albert Einstein

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