Youth Vibe Caravan Heralds the Good Times to Come


Here actions are loud, words are bold, voices are melodies, and the pen, well, it is always mightier than the sword. 

Youth Vibe – Global Open 2016, a great carnival of fun, food, art, technology, and culture, is right round the corner. 18th – 22nd October are the most eagerly awaited days at LPU right now.

This mega event started its buzz last night with the YV CARAVAN – where the evening witnessed YV Campus Ambassadors live at the Sunken Stage. Several events unfolded last evening, the highlight being the screening round for Campus Princess. Several aspiring models walked the stage to roaring applause from the audience. The other events included rapping, group dance, solo dance performances by the students of the university. The campus ambassadors of Youth Vibe from other universities also came to mark the beginning of the beginning of the fun times to come.

The Caravan ended with candles being floated in the air to represent the celebration of peace and cultural diversity.

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Wandering wordsmith fascinated by my fellow journeyers. I’m a journalist, avid reader, photographer and food fanatic who came to love guitar strings and city streets in India and found comfort in the mindfulness of thoughts and dreams.