A Rooftop Memory


Here comes the season of joy and celebrations, the season of love and affection, and the season of gifts and appreciation. December is a joyous month for all, a time when families share their love, friends create a bond, and lovers express their emotions. I love this season, every little part of it, the here and now, and the memories. The arrival of December reminds me of the ‘rooftop escape’ that we shared for some years, till you left, to somewhere I couldn’t follow.

It’s 5 years now since we started the ‘rooftop escape’ together, something which we thought was stupid, but just went with anyway. I can’t remember why we went to all that trouble. Why we wanted to be so different than the rest, that instead of waiting for New Year to arrive on the 31st of Dec, we’d wait for 31st Dec to arrive, sitting on the rooftop of the ‘Rifle shop’ on the 30th of every December. I can’t remember exactly what intrigued us so much about the idea, but we did the same for the following 2 years. You know, when you suggested ‘rooftop escape’ as the name of our adventure that first 30th December night, I thought it was pretty lame. I didn’t want to argue with you, though, and so it all started.

Thinking back to those years, I now understand how valuable and precious memories can be. And how fragile and unpredictable life is. On the 30th  night of every December we’d meet up on the rooftop and have deep conversations about life, which I can barely recollect now. The one thing which I can recollect though, are the words you said on our last ‘rooftop escape’ together, “Next time we meet on this rooftop, I want you to tell me about the best memory of the year”.

If only life had been kind enough to allow us both to live through another rooftop escape, then I’d tell you about that. You always use to say, “Life has no second chances”, and it is a shame that it’s true. But you know, no matter how many times you’d asked, the answer would be the same. My best memory of the year, every year, was and will always be the ‘rooftop escape’ on the 30th of December.

I’ll be home soon for my holidays. And just like every year, I’ll be climbing to the rooftop of the ‘Rifle shop’ on the 30th of December, and sharing another memory with you.

Just like old times.