Department of Posts, GoI, Released the LPU Postal Stamp


Postmaster General, Punjab West Region, Mr. P M Lal, Department of Posts (Ministry of Communications, Government of India) Punjab Circle released the Rs. 5 Lovely Professional University Postal Stamp and Special Cover at Jalandhar, recently.  Senior Superintendent of Post Offices (SSPO), Jalandhar, Mohammad Hanif also graced the ocassion. The stamp bears the logo of the university and multi- coloured rainbow and butterfly images.

LPU Postal Stamps released by India Post.JPG

This unique launch is indeed a great honour for LPU as only a few organizations in India have achieved such a distinction. Since customized printing of stamps opened up for institutes in 2016 , LPU becomes the first university to have this honor. The department has also issued a customized stamp for Amazon India, and Hindustan Aeronautics Limited.

At the release, Mr. Lal handed over the first set of LPU stamps and special covers to LPU Pro Chancellor Mrs Rashmi Mittal, and addressed the gathering present, “LPU has been rendering marvelous services in the education sector. Performing its social responsibility, it has also provided employment to many thousands of people. I congratulate the university authorities on the release of LPU stamp and special cover.” He also added, “As stamps play a vital role in providing us immense knowledge about different important occasions, persons, sports etc., I intend to, possibly, have a state level philatelic exhibition at LPU, for thousands of students, so that they may understand the real value of postage stamps in our life.”