9 Snapshots That Portray The Striking Beauty Of LPU Campus

9 Snapshots That Portray The Striking Beauty Of LPU Campus


When places start holding the secrecy of your thoughts, they aren’t just places anymore. When the buildings start reminding you of precious moments, they aren’t just buildings anymore. When the benches await your little chats with friends, they aren’t just benches anymore!

All these small elements amalgamate to heighten the beauty of the LPU Campus, which is a second home to students from all around the world. Here are some pictures put together to have your eyes feast on the unmatched magnificence that our campus possesses, each one displaying different scenarios and expressing different emotions.

  1. The Hushed Roadways

LPU Campus

These verdant roadsides nourish the unruffled roads when it’s all quiet and peaceful. They await those little rushes towards classrooms every morning and the slow friendly walks towards home with the interminable chit-chats!

  1. The Parallel Vastness

LPU Campus

When the vast sky displays luminous clouds, the pleasant winds greet the vast campus. A photo walk is the best thing that one could do on such a day.

  1. Nature Performs Plays

LPU Campus

The Open Theatre at the campus has new performances scheduled every day! Guess who’s the performer? It’s nature. And it’s brilliant!

  1. Here’s the Univer-City

LPU Campus

It’s better we call it a Univer-City, and not simply a University. Is there anything it doesn’t have? Make a list, tick the boxes, and you will know!

  1. The High Angle Shot

LPU Campus

Lift the cameras and you’ll see a different picture. A thousand windows recite a thousand lessons of knowledge and wisdom being heard by students from all around the world.

  1. Unity Of Minds

LPU Campus

Here, there is unmeasured wisdom. A plethora of thoughts mingles every day to create an aura vibrating the best of knowledge and making people learn new things from each other. It’s the coming together of lessons and learnings in a way that’s unmatched.

  1. Togetherness Builds Homes

LPU Campus

A lot of students decide to become hostellers and enjoy living with new people, building a family that’s away from family. Just like these flowers leave a beautiful impression on your mind, the hostels hidden behind them hold a lot of secrets that contain hundreds of emotions.

  1. Rains Are Blissful

LPU Campus

The rains come with sharing of umbrellas, chattering laughter and tea-snacking. The campus transforms into being extremely picturesque, a chance of creating memories you absolutely cannot miss!

  1. An Overall Beauty

LPU Campus

It is all beautiful! All weathers bring along different feelings and unite people in ways unmatched. There are no restraints to loving relationships, you are friends with people who come from places you have never heard about!

This is the beauty of Unity in Diversity, the beauty of an unconstrainted togetherness of people, the special bonds that make education a dream trip! This is the striking beauty of the LPU Campus!