LPU Announces Alumni Homecoming


Lovely Professional University is holding the Alumni Homecoming on 11-3-2017, Saturday.

It will be a day dedicated to ‘Celebrating the Journey of the Alumni and the Alma Mater’.  Old friends will catch up with each other and old students and faculty reconnect, amidst the fun and revelry planned specially for the event.

The day will be made more special by the Alumni Awards being given to Vertos who’ve made significant achievements in various spheres. The event will also witness the culmination of ‘Soles for Souls’, an alumni community service initiative. Underprivileged children will be invited and gifted shoes bought with the money raised by the Chandigarh Alumni Chapter.

So all LPU alumni everywhere, reserve the 11th of march for your Alma Mater. New memories are waiting to be made.

Find the details and register at https://alumni.lpu.in/event/home-coming