Total Indian Drama Auditions at LPU


Today’s young viewers are fast moving from TV serials to web series. With this  transition, YouTube as a medium has gained a lot of attention and interest.Total Indian Drama is a youtube channel that has amassed a huge following.

So when they came recruiting actors, pre-production and post production personnel, to LPU, long queues of students were seen standing for the audition, on a lazy weekend afternoon. People from not only theater and performing arts, but also from varied fields like and MBA appeared to try their luck. .   

Total Indian Drama creator Robin Gupta, who is also the director and writer of every video on the channel, came to Lovely Professional University with his assistant director Shweta Sharma, and creative director Subeg Bhojal and other members of his team to recruit for their new web series based on a college pass out and his life.

The team were all praises for the response they got from LPU and said that they look forward to working with Vertos in the future as well.

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Hello there! I am a Sophomore at LPU with honours in Journalism and Mass Communication. I am on a journey to explore all the corners of the human world and maybe someday beyond it. I have a zeal for communications, be it writing, interacting with people through mediums like radio, television, etc. I also have a passion for photography and have a knack for something new always.