We have all had a moment in live where we stood confused as to what to choose, what will be best for us or will we regret our decision later. Everyone puts a lot of thought into the whole thinking process of what would be a better choice, and we always hang at the nook of the edge thinking the other choice might have been better, and the whole process of regret ensues.

However, having the dilemma of a choice is a good thing, not only does help you evaluate your priorities but also helps you with your basic human instinct i.e. to have the best. In the Art of Choosing by Sheena Iyenge , she explains the scientific research made about human decision making, showing us what effects and how we make our choices.

Now to have the best choice one must keep in mind the important three rules:

  1. How much choice do you actually need or how can you increase your area of choice? 2. Some choices are better than none. 3. Sometimes it’s better to have others choose for you.


  1. How much choice you actually need and can you increase you area of choice?

There are varieties of factor that influence how much choice you need, for example culture is one of them. Cultures that focus and promote individual freedom, promotes people who thrive on being in charge and hence they go looking out and taking the risk of collecting more choices and then selecting the best among them. Whereas, people with cultures that have a collective opinion and it makes them feel more natural to have someone make decision for them.

Your culture that indirectly affects your behavior also helps increase or decrease the area of choice for you. “How can I increase my options”. The simple answer is to go out and see.

  1. Some Choices are better than none.

It is often said that the people living next to the poverty line are have the likelihood of dying from diseases rather the people who are well off. Now often you may think its true, considering the medical expenses however, the choice lies before even entering the medical phase. As, it turned out health wasn’t a matter of money but a matter of choice. Choice to go that extra mile for your health metal, physical or otherwise all depends on one choice that must be taken

  1. Sometimes it’s better to have other decide for you.

In life sometimes you have to make a really really hard decision that may involve a life. For example, let’s say an individual had to decide to cease the treatment of their terminally ill partner it would be better if they leave the decision onto the doctor who may take the decision on your behalf, it would put a lot less pressure on to the psyche of the individual. Similarly, it is not always a bad thing to have other decide for you. However, the window of choice for your individual freedom should be there else there is no point, for you will be nothing but the prisoner of someone else’s choice.

The general outtake from this may be one should always have choice and the dilemma of it ensures your growth as an individual and as a contributor to the society

Note: This article has been written not to tell you how to take decisions but to help you in the process of how the decision making process will bear more fruit. Hope you enjoyed reading.

– Puja Bhawal, School Of Design