Informative session with Access Consciousness Practitioner, Ginni Malik

Informative session with Access Consciousness Practitioner, Ginni Malik

An informative session with Ginni Malik

All of us have been in situations when we felt puzzled and couldn’t find clarity, so to unlock the ability of mind with some interesting tools, Student organization Ojaswi, under the aegis of the DSW, LPU hosted a live session with Ms. Ginni Malik who is an Access Consciousness Practitioner who provided some vital tips to bring some substantial change in our lives. This live session was on the topic “4 tools of access consciousness that will help you change your life“, and was held on 5th August.

Ginni Malik is a life coach, theta healer which is a prominent healing method and meditation technique, along with being an access consciousness practitioner. She has done her MBA from Cardiff University so it was the unusual path that she chose to become a healer. She loves to explore new things, she did some jobs just after her MBA, but it didn’t resonate with her. She has been a healer and access consciousness practitioner for over 8 years. She recommended our vertos to read “Being you changing the world” by Dain Heer, which is a life-changing book.

First, “All of life comes to me with ease, joy and glory” is a great mantra, and everyone should practice it 10 times in the morning and night. This doesn’t mean that we will not face any problems but we will be able to handle them with ease. When we start and end our day with such an optimistic thought, it has to be joyous, right?

An informative session with Ginni Malik

Second, ask yourself “How does this get better than this? What else is possible?” and let the universe show you the answer rather than searching for it. We often limit ourselves with negative thinking. She added one beautiful line here explaining this- “Your point of view creates your reality, reality does not create your point of view.” She emphasized the fact that never let the judgments of society control you. Your aura has to be strong and it should give out positive vibes to everyone around.

Third, you should ask “what’s right about this situation that I am not getting?” Always having an optimistic outlook can help you in every situation, whether good or bad. Another thing that we should remember is “Be the energy of what you want.” When you want something, you should be joyous and have expansion.

The next tool is to ask “Who does it belong to?”, it is a great tool that helps in changing yourself. You are supposed to have an allowance for new things to come your way. When you ask this question, you will feel light or heavy, when you feel light, the feelings are yours and when heavy, these feelings belong to someone else. We often carry the baggage of other people’s judgments but this question will help you feel light. This practice will make you realize that 98% of the time, these emotions belong to somebody else.

Access consciousness is all about being in a space without any judgments, being full of allowance and expansion, and being aware of everything around you. It’s also about believing in yourself and never giving up on your dreams. She also told our vertos that we can achieve whatever we want but let the universe show us the way. Active consciousness and theta healing talk about becoming aware of your own space, then you can know about your beliefs, work on them and open a door of possibilities.

“When someone judges you, it isn’t actually about you. It’s about them and their insecurities, limitations, and needs.”