A Message Conveyed with a Smile


In a group of people attending a function, I heard a guy narrating a ”Sardar Joke” to friends around. I turned back and looked straight into his eyes.

His voice suddenly met silence on my gaze, I walked closer and said ”Continue”. ”Sorry Paaji, we weren’t intending to make fun of Sardars at all” came the instant reply along with an explanation of Sardars’ contribution and participation in the army and other national and social activities. I interrupted and told him to continue the joke. He didn’t. Probably because he thought that an angry Sardar would be out of his power to handle !

”If I being a Sardar, can be a reason for you to laugh for a while, you are free to make any number of jokes on Sardars. I’d not feel good, yes, but I’ll not feel bad either for someone is laughing because of me. We Sardars love to spread smiles and laughter around us”, I smiled.

”But if you think,” I gave it a little pause. ”But if you think that you shouldn’t, if something from inside stops you from doing it, then please don’t. A joke on Sardars will make your gathering happy but if you don’t, it will make a Sardar happy for sure. Choice is yours bud’,’ I smiled.

”There are many other ways and things to make them all laugh, to be happy about” he smiled back to go along with a handshake.