‘As Pages Turn (APT)’ – LPU’s One and Only Club for Bibliophiles

‘As Pages Turn (APT)’ – LPU’s One and Only Club for Bibliophiles


“A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies. The man who never reads lives only one.” – George RR Martin

Are you a bibliophile? Do have a craving for books which cannot be quenched? Or just a beginner who really wants to get immersed in the marvelous world of phenomenal literature. Then, As Pages Turn (APT) is the right place for you. APT is the first club of its kind and currently the only one in Lovely Professional University. It is a club devoted to the development of one’s own knowledge about literature. Its sole purpose is to enrich the minds of all its members. APT is all this and more. APT celebrates reading and recognizes readers for what they are. This club is unique, for it encourages the dreamer within you to come forth and express itself.

Books are perhaps among the greatest friends that you’ll ever have. A great book can help you in ways that only a few other things can. Reading is a process that is meant to be relished, and once you experience the joy of reading, you will truly relish it. Books will never betray you and will never judge you either. And above all else, books act as a source of escape. A portal to our very own wonderland. And this is what makes books so great.

In this age of technology, one often forgets the importance of books. Books enlighten us and empower us. APT recognizes this and they are in a constant pursuit of making sure that we realize how vital books are for us. APT is a platform where bibliophiles from all around the university, no matter the branch, no matter the year, can come forward and express their love for reading. APT is not only restricted to reading, for they believe that writing down one’s own feelings and dreams are equally important as well. The club plans to host mega-events in the future wherein the students will get a chance to showcase their talents when it comes to writing and will also get a chance to express the same via open mics. The club will have meets every Thursday from 5 pm to 6 pm. You can also follow the club’s facebook page: facebook.com/aptlpu

Under the leadership of MS. Richa Sharma, Assistant Professor, Verbal Ability and Mr. Rohit Razdan, Assistant Professor, Soft Skills, APT aims to create an environment in which its members can relax and take a break while they slowly and steadily immerse themselves in the world of books – a world where anything and everything is possible.