Big City Stress


If you are living in, or planning to move to a big city, think twice about the stress involved. Also give a thought to the damage this stress can cause to your health. The first consideration in this context is the small amount of space you will be sharing with millions of people. Hundreds of people might live in the same block of flats as you. They will use the transport systems that you use for work, and even the supermarket where you buy your food.

Then there is the super fast pace of life in a  big city where everyone seems to walk faster, act quicker and even talk without a pause, using loads of abbreviations and very short sentences. Really thinking of moving? Compare this to the life you might currently be living in a smaller town or village.

Factor in the significantly higher levels of air pollution, the effect on your health may manifest to slow for realization, but polluted air and water quickly begin to tell on the skin and hair.  The constant grating noise of traffic and industry, the impure air, too many bad food options – these can all add to the already significant stress that big city living entails.

Long distances and traffic congestion alone can play havoc on your nerves and blood pressure. Constant screen time and gadget use acn scramble reality perception and response time, imagine how stressful you will be to live with for your significant other and the family.

Is more money, or career enhancement, really worth it? Think again.

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