This is a million dollar question which no one apart from you should answer. Doesn’t it give you feels like the question, “Did egg come first or hen?” Isn’t it very confusing? After 10th, you decide which stream you want thinking it would sort you out but then again you are in the same position when you are done with 10+2. Now you feel like you are definitely sorted for life but sometimes a reality check is harsh and you get that familiar feeling of not knowing what to do. (Well except for those super amazing metahumans who got it together). It’s like seeing your classmate completely prepared for the test.
Placements, finals and assignments put so much pressure on you that, at one point, you have no idea why did you even end up like that. Well, many of you might even be regretting your decisions.
Well, here I am going to show you a few pros and cons of a job and of higher studies after your degree. The choice is all yours to make.
Job After degree
Pros –
- Immediate Financial Independence.
- Skills will be enhanced as per the requirements of the industry.
- Move up from being fresh to experienced within some time – knowing all tricks of the trade.
Cons –
- In terms of qualification, you will only be limited to a degree.
- Hard to come back to studies after you get used to the corporate world.
- You might need to work a bit harder than the other peers who have master’s degree to boost them.
Higher studies after degree
Pros –
- Your qualification will be enhanced. (Resume will look better).
- You can improve your skills based on your speciality.
- Given that you enjoy your field of study, it will be of immense help when entering the industry.
Cons –
- If you are on education loan during your degree you won’t be able to pay it off.
- If your budget is limited, it will severely handicap your expenses.
- Your financial independence will have to wait.
Honest truth – Degree, in reality, is your major helping hand towards a bright future but you need to choose whatever your heart desires only then will you be able to enjoy your life just like Rowan Sebastian Atkinson(Mr Bean).
And here at our University, you have complete freedom to change courses if you aren’t satisfied with the one you are in now and you have diverse courses giving you the freedom to follow anything your heart desires.