Driving Away Academic Anxiety

Driving Away Academic Anxiety

Tips to make your week more productive

Does your academic performance make you feel overwhelmed? Are you constantly worrying about your assignments or exams? Do you often procrastinate because you are too stressed to work?

If your answer to any of the above questions is ‘yes’ then what you are dealing with might be academic anxiety. The term anxiety stands for constant worrying and distress over thoughts and feelings. When we step into college, the academic pressure is suddenly up and high. We struggle to find balance in the change through which we go through. We often face challenges that are beyond our imaginations and the motivation to perform well in such case becomes low. This is academic anxiety. A college individual is often over-burdened by the ‘expectations’ of performing well that they tend to lose that work-life balance. Scoring perfect becomes their obsession as assignments and exams occupy their major part of focus. Are you being able to relate? Then read ahead.

Anxiety, stress, restlessness and depression are symptoms that may sound very common in college students, but can be disastrous if not treated the right away. You are depressed to the core but still not being clinically diagnosed? Seek help immediately. The best way to get yourself out is to develop positive healthy habits for yourself. It is the one and only way to get effectively treated without getting your future messed up. Here are some ways to drive away your academic stress and kick start a healthy way to achieve success.

Ways to Drive Away Academic Anxiety

Stop comparing, start embracing

Comparing yourself to others never brings any good to you or the other person. Learn to embrace yourself and the work you do. Your friend scored an A in an assignment you got a B?  Instead of criticizing him/her, prepare yourself to put your best foot forward the next time.

Have something to look forward to

Look forward to events that makes you happy. If you have an exam tomorrow, don’t look forward to the anxiety that it will bring. Instead of looking forward to the pre-exam horror just think of a way to treat yourself. Say to yourself “After my exams I will take myself to my favourite restaurant and order brownies.” Set small goals and when you achieve them reward yourself with rewards.

Reduce the cups of caffeine you consume

Anxiety often leads to craving of substances that satisfies your nerves. Gulping chugs of the dark bitter liquid may give you temporary settlement but also cause side effects. Coffee provides a rush of energy that gives us adrenaline energy. But consuming excessive quantity can lead to mind-distortion, lethargy, grogginess and drop of energy after a certain time.

Avoid procrastination and say ‘no’ more often

We’ve all been there and we’ve all done that. Not studying until the last minute is a practice that is followed by 99% of the students. Procrastination caves them in. The only way to break through this popular-reality is to say ‘no’. Academic anxiety often comes from commitments we can’t make. Don’t commit to your friend that you’ll help him with his homework when you know that you don’t have that time. Make time for yourself because ‘you’ are the priority.

Stick to these or invent more ways of your own that suit you to drive away anxiety. And you will love the feeling of delight you are left with afterwards.