Thousands of Students Present Their Innovative Projects at Explorica 2017


Lovely Professional University organized its annual two-day event ‘Explorica’ to guide school students about right career path after their school studies. The event saw a massive participation of 20,000 of students, teachers and principals, where young students showcased their talent and enjoyed massive participation at a university level. More than 100 stalls were put up by LPU students and faculty members of different departments to guide school-students about different academic streams and disciplines. LPU students also showcased university projects to guide school-students that after their schools, life in university is all about creating new projects and following their passion. High Commissioner of Republic of Ghana to India, His Excellency Mr Michael Aaron Yaw Nii Nortey; Chargé d’Affaires, Embassy of Uganda to India, Ms Margaret Kedisi; Ambassador of Iran His Excellency Seyed Mohammad Reza Khalilli and other diplomats witnessed mammoth scholarly pursuits of the event at LPU Campus.

Explorica 2017

The activities were classified into competitive and non-competitive events. The various activities which the students took part in include Science projects, painting, music, slogan writing and also cricket matches. Competitive Event winners were awarded cash prizes.

Explorica 2017

Worthy Pro-Chancellor Mrs Rashmi Mittal visited and appreciated the students for their innovative ideas and efforts for their performances in the Explorica Event.

Explorica 2017

During the school principals’ summit on the topic ‘Strategic Leadership for 21st Century Schools’, NCERT Dean Academics Ms Saroj Yadav advised visiting principals how to forward leadership skills, what to adopt and what to neglect. Ms Yadav shared: “As per data available, 85 lakh teachers are presently educating near 25 Crore school students in 15 lakh schools of the country, which are governed by 48 school boards. As such a huge responsibility rests on teachers and the principals. I want that a principal should ensure to make his/her students both academically and mentally strong. With the change in the time first change yourself, as we all are also part of the fast developments in the education sector. We must also remember our glorious ancient period of ‘Gurukul’ education, where students and teachers co-existed in ‘ashrams’ amid great instructions and interactions.” Touching the psychological aspects, increasing suicidal trend and cruelty, she wanted of all to be more caring and understanding towards the young students. She also shared: “For me, true leadership is the ability to develop a vision for change which leads to improvements in outcomes.”

Participating Principals Ms Manju Singh (MDK Sr Sec School, Pathankot), Ms Shabnam Sharma (Disciplined Disciples International School Amritsar), Ms Preeti Jindal (SSRS for Meritorious Students, Patiala) and more unanimously hinted: “The event was very motivational where not only students but we also learnt much about leadership and social skills in getting well along with our students and the societal needs.” On this occasion, LPU Chancellor Mr Ashok Mittal forwards: “Realizing our social responsibility to renew India’s potential for intellectual leadership and national progress, LPU has initiated ‘Explorica’ to nurture young minds right from their school days. This program is sure to broaden the vision of school students and other stakeholders. This is in accordance with our policy to rejuvenate education at all levels by starting with schools, which will ultimately enlighten the society.”

Explorica 2017

School-students’ projects like “Convertible Fridge ‘Harygator’ for both heating and cooling processes; Tree & Heavy- objects shifting Hydraulic Machine; Smart Home running on four types of energy-Kinetic, Solar, Electric & Thermal; Nutrients Film Technique System for ‘Hydroponics’ agriculture; Automatic Street Lights; Electricity bills reducing ‘Power Factor’; Pollution Free City, Laser Beam Security Device’ and many others were applauding. Visiting students discovered, learnt and participated actively in competitive, non-competitive events, where competitive events’ winners also got cash prizes. Students also revealed great craze for CRPF and Fire Extinguishers’ stalls. CRPF Personnel shared brave deeds and details of the mighty weapons of the force with the school students and also advised them to join the force which is always at the disposal of the country and its people.

Under Academic Exposition, LPU students and teachers guided about different study-programs in details to school students for their career ahead. LPU department of Business inspired visitors about entrepreneurship; department of Agriculture exhibited soil-less production, vertical farming, the best tomato produce through infra-red and blue light usage, hydroponic agriculture and more; department of Fashion taught them about latest fashion trends and modeling; from Journalism and Film Production departments students learnt how to be reporters, content writers, anchors and more; the Robotics & Intelligent Computers Systems society showcased their achievements in the fields of automotive and solar energy usage. Similarly, other departments revealed the best in them through various exhibitions and expositions made by them.