Freethinkers Day – 29th January

Freethinkers Day – 29th January


We have it in our power to begin the world over again.”– Thomas Paine

The author of The Age of Reason, Common Sense, The Rights of Man and many other influential books, Thomas Paine was born on 29th January 1737 and every year his birthday is celebrated as Freethinkers Day or Thomas Paine Day. 

He was a major contributor in the movement against slavery in America. By helping establish a philosophical foundation during the American Revolution, he gave common ground to thinkers and leaders who believed in the preservation of Human Rights.

As a woman of letters, a future journalist, this day is important to me, becaues freethinking is what liberates free speech from bigotry and intellectual slavery. As a citizen of a once colonized country this day serves to remind me that to some people are deprived freedom even in their thoughts.

Cheers to free thinking, and people like Paine.