Friday the 13th – History Behind the Unluckiest Day in the Calendar

Friday the 13th – History Behind the Unluckiest Day in the Calendar

What is the story behind the superstition of Friday The Thirteenth
#FatuousFriday Friday The Thirteenth


Superstitions can be weird and ugly but don’t they sound super indulging? There can be nothing as interesting as ‘supposedly facts’ but denied by the knowledge of reality we have. They are known by anyone and everyone. Some choose to believe them, some question them and some are not sure what they really are about.

Superstitions are popular but irrational beliefs that conclude in the existence of supernatural. They are contradicted by science and haven’t proved to have any logical existences. It is more of a spiritual and religious phenomenon very often associated with luck, charm, future or unexplainable events.

One such popular belief is Friday the 13th. According to the western superstition, it’s considered the unluckiest day of the year. It happens when the thirteenth day of the month in the Gregorian calendar falls on a Friday, which can be the situation at any rate once consistently, and up to three times a year. In 2017, it happens twice, on January 13 and October 13. There will be two Friday the 13ths every year until 2020, and 2021 and 2022 will have only one such event.

"Paraskavedekatriaphobia," a typical depression natural to people—the dread of Friday the thirteenth
The Dread of Friday The Thirteenth

Individuals around the world feel uneasy about getting out of bed, leaving their homes, or approaching their typical day by day schedules, all as a result of this superstition. These people experience the ill effects of “Paraskavedekatriaphobia,” a typical depression natural to all of us—the dread of Friday the thirteenth. However, exactly where did this superstitious affiliation originate from, and how could it get on?

In spite of the fact that folklorists assert that there is no composed proof for the superstition before the nineteenth century, the date has for quite some time been associated with famous unfortunate occasions in history and religion. As per Catholic conviction, a standout amongst the most noteworthy occasions in their religion – the torturous killing of Jesus Christ – occurred on Friday the thirteenth. Geoffrey Chaucer, a great English writer and poet additionally made reference to the evident lack of good fortune of the day, recording in his Canterbury Tales that it was a misfortune to begin a trip or a task on a Friday. A standout amongst the most advanced myths endeavouring to clarify the root of the Friday the 13th superstition originates from occasions on Friday 13 October 1307, when several Knights Templar were captured and consumed crosswise over France. This myth got the general population’s consideration after it was utilized by Dan Brown, among other authentic fiction scholars, and has been hawked interminably by connivance scholars connecting the Knights Templar to everything from Freemasonry to the Holy Grail.

Do you know that in many high rise buildings, there is no 13th floor, and many hospitals and hotels across the world do not have room number 13?