A virus that misbalanced the entire world, imposed lockdown everywhere, forced us to wear masks, sanitize hands regularly, and maintain social distance among ourselves impacted every single person’s life irrespective of profession and age group. A major downfall was observed in business, jobs, education, and the economy making many lives miserable. In this situation, the lives of the aspiring students took a huge turn when the mode of teaching shifted from offline mode to online mode.

We, students of Lovely Professional University, were sent back home in March 2020 following the guidelines of the education department as our teaching was stopped abruptly due to the increasing cases of COVID-19 which had surged up to 100+ then. As some of us traveled back home mid-semester for the 15-days holiday we expected to have, many decided to stay at the University and avoid travel during this gap. During this time, we continued to have our classes on LPULive where teachers used to send us the study materials, video lectures and conducted Zoom meetings for clarification of doubt. Our college was still in a dilemma of conducting the End Terms offline or online delaying our exams in the process.

As it wasn’t possible to open the University under such conditions, our End Terms were conducted in June in the online mode. As months passed by, we stopped fully enjoying our times at our homes and rather started panicking when the idea of missing out on the precious time of college struck our minds. The arrival of Autumn Term too didn’t fulfill our hopes of getting back to the University; instead, a whole new mode of online teaching was introduced to us by the MyClassLPU platform. This new online platform sponsored by Codetantra has many extra features that are absent in other video meeting apps. For instance, it has an option for the teacher to create a poll, upload a PPT without sharing the screen and making it directly downloadable for the students, automatic attendance, recording the lecture which can be viewed afterward, choice of joining in ‘listen-only’ or ‘microphone’ mode, conduct exams and many more.

Despite all the terrific features the platform has and the attempt of the University to give an‘actual-class-like’ experience on our phones and laptops where you can attend classes at ease sitting on your bed, the absence of attending classes and practicals at college, changing rooms after every class and having fun during the breaks can still be felt. We have become lazier and inactive sitting constantly at home rather than staying active during offline classes had taken a toll on our health too. Being a student of LPU, missing the amazing campus isn’t unnatural at all. Along with this, CAs have become assignments and subjective exams have turned into online objective ones with strict protocols affecting our CGPA!

This lockdown has changed a lot in our lives and we would be highly obliged if we can get back to our normal lives as soon as possible as there is nothing happier than sharing the stress of studies with your friends!