I’m sure you might’ve heard the term Senior and Junior. Every stage of your life demands a different version of yourself. The moment you achieve a certain point, you will realize that there’s a lot to do because there’s no end to the knowledge. And it’s just the body that grows old with age, not the brain.

Let’s start from childhood. We all know someone who has always been a way ahead in our life in some respect or the other. If you’re in the 6th grade, students of the 7th grade become your seniors. And by the time you enter 7th grade, you realize that you are still a junior for those of the 8th grade and then so on and on. And then we enter college while some let their life decide their fate. Here’s what happens, the first year of college you are fresher. People may not know your name, but the thing they know for sure is you’re a fresher or junior. And by the time you advance in your years of college, you realize that you still have to go that extra mile to become remarkable. And then you finally graduate realizing that the journey continues when you come across post-graduate followed by a Ph.D. etc.

The point is what you do when you know that knowledge has no limits. Should you stop your education by just graduating? Or you want to go ahead for the post-graduation to realize that you still have to complete a Ph.D. for becoming more than you were yesterday. How do you see yourself, as a junior or a senior?

A few of us think that as soon as we graduate we’ll have all the things figured out, but that’s not the case. It’s all part of the journey. But here’s a good thing about being a junior when you’re in a company or an organization. You probably won’t have many responsibilities. Your cost of living is much lower. Your mistakes won’t affect much to the organization because it’s an amazing opportunity for you to practice and learn.

You can do the best during your journey as a junior; find someone who could lead you to places where you have always wanted to be. This can be any of your friends, teachers, etc. who want you to be a better version of yourself. In the end, all you’ve is yourself, and it’s always you vs. you.