Internet of Things (IoT) – A Vision of the Future

Internet of Things (IoT) – A Vision of the Future


Not all of us know what Internet of Things (IoT) is, right? Well, this article will tell you all you need to know about IoT.


IoT relates directly to a growing need we human beings feel to integrate intelligent sensors into everything, so that even everyday objects have the ability to give feedback. The world is soon going to be more intelligent and responsive. When everything is connected with everything via internet then matter shall act like the mind, all objects will have agency, which means they will have a consciousness like ours. So IoT is going to give our entire world a mind and thinking power like an autonomous intelligent robot. Right now we insert our intelligence into tools and give them instructions, but when our tools start talking back using their intelligence then the loop will be complete then we will have spread our out mind into our world. For that IoT will be a game changer.

Imagine your house knowing when to switch on lights and fans according to the time and temperature, when to play what type of music for you, when to open windows and doors – all this happening automatically.

IoT may also help us  increase productivity at low cost, build smart city networks and countless other things. That is the future of internet, known as WEB 4.0 means a 4th generation intelligent web technology.  IoT  will help us explore our world in a new, never before seen way.

Right now many well-known companies like Facebook, IBM, Intel, Microsoft etc. are working on IoT. For more information Google it.