LPU Faculty Published A Patent On E-Voting System Using Aadhar Card

LPU Faculty Published A Patent On E-Voting System Using Aadhar Card

E-Voting System

Associate Professor in Chemistry from LPU’s School of Mechanical Engineering, Dr. Ravichandran has published a patent on “Secure And Reliable Smart E-Voting System Using Aadhar Card”.

Elections have become inevitable in the democratic process of any country. Conduct of polls especially a large democratic republic nation like India, with huge population throws challenges at various levels. First and foremost, the Electoral list, with periodical updating including inclusion and deletion of voters is indeed a very great challenge. Further, it can be seen that technological advancements have made their much-needed presence in the conduct of elections with the EVM’s (Electronic Voting Machines) being widely used and it has eliminated the use of ballot paper, thus resulting in ensuring the environment is protected by avoiding cutting down of trees for printing of ballot papers. This invention relates to the field of elections and the polling process. His patent is published in the Offical Journal of the Patent Office.

It is worth mentioning that the primary objective of this work is to provide a method and system for casting votes by an elector in his/her constituency where he/she is registered as a voter from any place located in India. It is yet another objective of the invention to use fingerprint-based identification for any elector to establish his / her identity and then cast votes of his / her choice. Furthermore, the invention relates to providing a system, to use the fingerprint-based identification for any voter and allow him/her to choose the candidate from the constituency where he/she is enrolled/registered as a voter.

Dr. Ravichandran expressed his sincere gratitude to the Lovely Professional University, HOS (SME) Dr. Vijay Kumar Singh, COS (SME) Dr. Gurpreet Singh, Dr. Ashish Kumar (HOD) and Dr.Ramesh Chand Thakur (Professor and Associate Dean, School of Chemical Engineering & Physical Sciences) for their encouragement and constant support.