LPU faculty member, Dr. Ravichandran, published a patent on water

LPU faculty member, Dr. Ravichandran, published a patent on water

Dr ravi

One of our faculty members Dr. S. Ravichandran, Associate Professor in Chemistry from School of Mechanical Engineering, has published a patent on ‘FLUORIDE REMOVAL IN POTABLE WATER BY FLUIDIZED BED REACTOR USING PYROLIZED DELONIX REGIA POD CARBON.’

His patent is published in the page number 35317 of the Official Journal of The Patent Office. This patent describes the removal of fluoride from potable water using PDPC.

Fluoride removal studies were performed by using PDPC in a fluidized bed reactor. World Health Organization set a limit of fluoride concentration between 0.5 to 1.0 mg L-1 in drinking water. So many adsorbents are chemically activated by doping, but this PDPC is only thermally activated which proves to be eco-friendly material. The pod was thermally activated and made into activated carbon. This research was done with a Fluidized bed, which can also be termed as an expanded bed. This means that the bed expanded only slightly above its settled or packed bed height.

Dr. Ravichandran has expressed his sincere gratitude to the Lovely Professional University, the HOS (SME) Dr. Vijay Kumar Singh, the HOS (SCEPS) Dr. Ramesh Chand Thakur, and the HOD Prof. Ashish Kumar for their encouragement and constant support.