LPU’s Architecture Alumna Working in SMEC, Melbourne, Australia Shares Her Success Story

LPU’s Architecture Alumna Working in SMEC, Melbourne, Australia Shares Her Success Story

LPU Architecture Alumni working in Melbourne


I am currently working in SMEC as Architect cum Town Planner at Melbourne, Australia. I have over 6 years of experience in the development industry with a background in both Architecture and Town Planning working for the organizations like Con Tsourounakis Services, Macedon Shire Council.

Success Story

Although I’m just at beginning of my career and still have a lot more to learn, but I think sharing my experience so far can be very helpful to the aspiring Architects who are just about to graduate and start their professional experiences.

I started my career in Aeren R Pvt. Ltd., Delhi where I worked as a student Architect. I got the opportunity to learn various aspects of Architecture mainly – Working drawings, detailing and execution of work on site.

When I started my journey in the field of Architecture in LPU with B.Arch, I had no idea about the person it is going to develop me into. LPU gave me the boost and the platform to develop my potentialities. My keen interest in providing positive solutions for the built environment on a larger scale drove me to do Masters in Urban Planning and Environment from RMIT Melbourne. I have delivered projects in both the Public and Private Sectors and have a fair understanding of Victorian provisions.

LPU Architecture Alumni working in Melbourne

Some of my notable works are:

Multi-lot residential subdivisions at:
– Atherstone Estate, Melton, Victoria

Research and advice on feasible land use options for projects:
– Donnybrook Road Mickleham (January 2018)

Desktop Land Use Assessment Report
Report writing and assessment for following projects:
– Residential developments
– Medical Centre
– Office and Retail Buildings
– Social Housing
– Residential Infill Development in Heritage Context

New Gisborne Sports Field Complex, Gisborne:
– Prepared the concept drawings and perspectives of Regional Sports Field Complex in Gisborne with requirements to facilitate community needs on a larger scale. Stakeholder consultation and presentation to other neighbouring Councils was key to achieve a quality design outcome.

After working in the industry for more than 6 years now, I can say that the most important thing is your communication skills and talent in dealing with others in the workplace to get things done. Technical skills are also are no doubt important to secure jobs in reputed companies, but your teamwork skills, leadership skills, and taking initiative is what that will make you achieve your goal faster. LPU, being a university that is alive with numerous activities and events gives the students an opportunity to develop these skills apart from developing technical skills.

All the best for your future
Best Regards
Neha Sharma (B.Arch Batch 2005-2010)

LPU Architecture Alumni working in Melbourne