Mythbuster – 3


Moving to the next myth, the MYTH of all myths, which is that one fitness regime, exercise programme, or diet, will work for everyone.  Following this chart or that plan, we forget that each one of us is UNIQUE, we are all DIFFERENT from each other, and different bodies have different requirements.

So stop following the trendy workouts and instead meet a professional trainer and nutritionist who can tell you what is best suited for your body type and medical history. If you are investing time, effort and money into something, might as well make it the right sort of investment.

Also try and pick stuff that interests you. If you really aren’t into gymming, then it is highly probable you’ll quit halfway. Try zumba, salsa, yoga, and kickboxing, or whatever else interests you, as long as it meets your health goals and suits your body.

In order to lose weight you need to build muscle mass, so cardio might help you initially to shed some kilos, but building muscle mass is the best way to go. So, don’t restrict yourself to cardio for weight loss. Also, let me repeat, weight loss is an additional benefit of exercising, and should not be the sole desired outcome.

Another misconception is that women should not do weight or resistance training as they might end up looking manly. Well this is just another myth. Resistance training will help in the building of lean muscle. Women, with their low levels of testosterone need supplements to build bulky muscles. So ladies, if weight and resistance training is what you think you need, go right ahead.